Go Phish - Protecting Your Data from All Angles

phishing protection


Phishing and fishing are not that different. Once you are hooked, it’s hard to escape. 

Key Phishing Statistics by dataprot:
  • A new phishing site is created on the internet every 20 seconds.
  • Nearly one-third of all data breaches in 2018 involved phishing.
  • 90% of security breaches in companies are a result of phishing attacks.
  • More than 70% of phishing emails are opened by their targets.
  • Small and mid-size businesses lose an average of $1.6 million recovering from a phishing attack.
  • More than 77% of organizations do not have a cybersecurity incident response plan.

 The Challenge

Humans are the weakest link in security, especially when it comes to phishing. Using social engineering, threat actors manipulate and trick employees into accidentally giving away security information or downloading a poisoned link. This is a thought out and malicious attack in which a perpetrator will research, target, and attack an individual based on weak spots they have gathered through investigation.

For example, through a cleverly placed email and a successful dupe, threat actors can use “brand name” mailing servers to reach you and deceive you into believing them to be a trusted party. This widespread issue has seen significant growth in the past few years, with the number of phishing attacks growing by 61% between May 2021 and May 2022.

Spear phishing is an even more personalized type of phishing attack that uses highly personalized messages and emails to target high-level individuals within the targeted organizations. They are often too busy to be suspicious. The goal of spear phishing is to trick the recipient of the message into providing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial data or to persuade them to download malware. This type of phishing is considered more sophisticated and effective than general phishing campaigns, as the attacker has done research on the target and is able to tailor the message to increase the chances of success.

The Successful Phish

Identifying the malware injections and data theft perpetuated by threat actors can take hours, days, or even months. It is nearly impossible to control every link employees click, and every website that they visit - even if by accident.

A recent study found that  42% of employees self-reported clicking on a potentially dangerous link at some point in time. The constant unsurety of what is malicious leaves corporations scrambling for a solution on how to prevent phishing attacks completely.

The Enterprise Browser

A browser-based solution ensures a quick and easy way to recognize malicious links and websites without hours of deep diving. The enterprise browser detects unsafe websites and immediately shuts down access, actively protecting against phishing attacks 100% of the time. Additionally, by identifying phishing attacks directly from the browser - as opposed to remote browser isolation - users achieve a much simpler and timelier solution, with no added latency or complexities.

Moreover, SURF introducing another layer of phishing protection by enabling the administrator to define where and when company credentials will be inserted at all, and therefore can reduce the potential for company credentials to be stolen.

Inserting the solution directly into the browser ensures increased agility in business operations and a flexible work structure for hybrid and remote employees. Without the need for complex hardware or corporate issued devices, employees can safely work from their homes, cafes and libraries.

The enterprise browser is a local air-gapped environment, so even when employees use their personal devices for work, their own surfing habits won’t put company data at risk.


SURF provides a completely ad and malware free experience, significantly lowering the risk that employees accidentally click on a malicious link. Even when an employee acts negligently on the same device while doing some personal browsing, corporate data is never at risk.  

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